Wednesday 30 March 2022

ZHRO Walk for Freedom Week-by-Week

ZHRO activists are walking for freedom from different areas of UK 🇬🇧.  

The road ahead: Walk for Freedom

On the 16 of March 2022 at Walton Park, I walked campaigning for Zimbabweans , facing serious human rights breached daily by Zanu PF government. People of Zimbabwe are crying every second for freedom of speech, freedom of health and freedom of voting without intimidation (etc).

Shibden Park -Flag

As I continue with my campaign for Human Rights. 23 March 2022, I went to Shibden Park, raising Zimbabwean flag. We need our freedom to choose the party we want to support and the brutality of Zanu PF against Human Rights Activists, state
media and CCCZimbabwe must stop immediately. 

30 March 2022, walking around Batley wearing ZHRO t-shirt , campaigning for our freedom, not to be silenced by Zanu PF government and all Zimbabwean must have their rights freely. 

Shibden Park

So on 13-14th August 2022 I will again start out from Brighton Pier to trek the 105km to Hampton Court, London some 28 or more hours walking - including a night section!


Report by:

Mevis Mutsvangwa

Based in Batley