Something really needs to be done about Nick Mangwana
Honestly, something really needs to be done about Nick Mangwana. In this article, I try to provide a few ideas on how to put this loudmouth in his place. For someone who is a newcomer to Zimbabwean politics, we are allowing Nick Mangwana to get away with a lot in such a short space of time. Aaakutijairira manje, Sesijayela kubi manje.
This is someone who is not even a war veteran, he came into Zanu ‘yesterday'. He doesn’t have the muscle.
What should be done?
Nick needs to experience deprivation like the many Zimbabweans who are suffering at the hands of his masters. Nick needs to know what it feels like to lose what is close and dear to you. The first thing that needs to happen is a revocation of his British Citizenship. I am not a lawyer myself but I am sure there are many intelligent lawyers out there who can find an angle on this. For example, Nick Mangwana is defending a regime that is carrying out systematic human rights abuses and state sanctioned murders. Not only that, but he is doing everything in his power to mislead, confuse, facilitate and promote these human rights abuses. When people are abducted, arrested, or murdered by the Zanu government, Nick comes out like a bull defending these acts using denial and various other tactics. He is essentially, the Joseph Goebbels of this regime. Those in the UK need to keep putting pressure on the UK authorities to take away his British Citizenship. We know it is something that is part of his exit plan when the Zanu regime eventually ejects him.
The second thing that needs to happen is that Nick should be put on the sanctions list including a travel ban into the places he loves like the UK and the EU. In the meantime, if he happens to come into the UK like he did last year when he accompanied that Mnangagwa importer (SB Moyo -the coup announcer) a citizen's arrest is warranted and will happen. We are already mobilising towards this. I say ‘Mnangagwa imposter' because SB Moyo's speeches are just as boring and dry as those made by Dambudzo, and both men are where they are not because of intelligence, grace or popularity but because of violence. It also turned out that SB Moyo is a coward because when he was confronted by the protesters outside Chatham House in London, he ran away like a tuck-shop cigarette thief. I was there but that’s story for another day.
Thirdly, Nick's life up and about in Zimbabwe should be filled with paranoia and inconvenience. There are a number of things those in Zimbabwe fed up with this man can do to achieve this. For example, if you work in a restaurant and Nick orders some food, you could add a bit of extra 'matter' to his food to improve the flavouring. If you see his car parked outside, it’s quite justifiable to put some political or personal graffiti around the state funded motor. If he has any small houses around, let’s expose that including with visual imagery. If you have any evidence that gets him in trouble with his masters share it on social media. Nick needs to know how it feels to sleep with one eye open. Lets hasten his eventual residency at Chikurubi prison, we all know that's where he is going to end up if he is lucky.
To sum up, we cannot allow this human skid mark to mock us in a very obvious way. The time has come now to do something about Nick Mangwana. If we cannot bring considerable inconvenience to this idiot then we have no chance against the gun carrying junta.
Sindile Ncube