Wednesday, 17 August 2022

August 2022 Walk for Freedom - Report

Amnesty International RememberingIn this update, made on the sombre anniversary of 1st August 2018 when Zimbabwe's Soldiers opened fire indiscriminately on unarmed civilians - who were quite correctly protesting about the rigging of the 2018 election, we must remind all Zimbabweans, the AU [African Union], SADC [Southern African Development Community] and the rest of the World, that there are currently NO Free and Fair Elections - nor has there been in practice since the 1980 [False] Independence. We will also repeat this item on our  website that highlights the fact that there is a Military Cabal controlling Zimbabwe, the Zanu PF party.

W4F 7 500So our WALK FOR FREEDOM is as relevant as ever on this 7th time we have planned this event [the first time was in August 2016 just prior to the formation of ZHRO in October 2016]. Our 'practice walks' this month in London and North Yorkshire, have tied-in with other events to do with campaigning for Free, Fair and Open Elections - as highlighted below:

"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."
Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

As in previous year's we will attempt to predict our walking timetable for those who may wish to cheer us on, or join us for part of this well trodden route of ours. So we will publish maps, timetables, and for those with a 'tech savvy' outlook - live navigation links to the UK's Ordnance Survey Mapping software. The same as the organiser's on the day. {Due shortly}

This year we are actively seeking supporting donations so that we can [as we have done in every year previously] have a support team(s) to ferry the walkers, food, bandages, blister plasters etc., In addition as necessary, finally collect the "walking wounded" (!) - joking - but some of us have very delicate feet - and the stony footpaths can take their toll on those without practice, multiple pairs of socks {for keeping the feet cool}, good footwear, ankle support, blisters and cramps! Plus a bit of sympathy at times too!

qrcodeSo our donation PayPal button on this page would welcome your spontaneous generosity. Or this QR code using your phone.

Now those wishing to be at the start, we must emphasise that the walkers will hope to leave the Brighton Pier forecourt at 7:00am sharp. This is to facilitate the 8 miles to stand and take in the stunning beauty atop the "Devil's Dyke" hill within the South Downs.

As the organisation is very 'minimal' we cannot accommodate people leaving at different times - as each group would need navigational support - since so few have taken onboard the mapping software in the past. So for practical reasons, we start at one time, in a group, ideally keeping together. This will facilitate the taking of photos, Twitter, Facebook, ZHRO Live, Zim Eye Live and other media we will employ throughout the full 25-30 hours of the "Walk for Freedom"

This link is the most important, its the original detailed full route as plotted on the OS Online platform from Ordnance Survey UK. It is scaleable, in that it can be enlarged right down to individual footpath levels. If you have the OS App then you can navigate "live" in the field using your phone as a direction finder. 100km Route CLICK HERE

Timetable {Approximate}

 This timetable is AN APPROXIMATION for arriving and leaving times at the locations identified with Sat Nav Post Codes
 Journey points 2022 final

Route Maps here - Along the full Walk for Freedom

  These Short Section Maps are designed to help those without Data Access "In the field" as it were. Please print off the section(s) you will be walking
 USE THESE LINKS Opposite TO OPEN THE MAPS in a new Window Itemised Map Links 
 Brighton Start: BN2 1TW  Brighton and suburbs
 Crossing the A27  Cross A27
 Towards Devil's Dyke: BN1 8YJ {Public House}  Towards Devil'd Dyke
 Fulking Villiage Down to Fulking Villiage 
 Crossing the Vale Crossing the Vale 
On to Henfield: BN5 9PJ  On to Henfield
 Joining the "Downs Link" [An old Railway Route to Guildford] Joining the Downs Link 
 Partridge Green Partridge Green 
Christ's Hospital Railway Station: RH13 0ND Christ's Hospital 
 Scaling the Hill over the "Bat Tunnel" The BAT Tunnel  
Approaching Guildford {Night Time} Approaching Guildford 
Central Guildford  incl Railway Station Meet Point GU1 4UT Guildford Area 
Now with the River Wey Path  Leaving Guildford area 
 Keeping with the River Wey Navigation Path River Wey Navigation 
 Under the M25 [into London!] Under the M25 
 Meeting with the River Thames Path Joining Thames Navigation 
Following the Thames Navigation footpath to Hampton Court  Hampton Court and Finish 

Ready for further Updates Here  

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

26th July 2022 Walk for Freedom Practice - Bolton Abbey Estate

Simon's Seat
On top of "Simon's Seat" Bolton Abbey - Yorkshire
10.5 mile (17km) circuit from Barden Bridge on the Bolton Abbey Estate via the 485m (above sea level) “Simon’s Seat” and to view Bolton Abbey itself. Then back to our starting point
Moses. Mervis, Oli and John did all the circuit. Rosemary, Monica, Hillary did the Riverside walks and helped with food afterwards.
The climb to Simon’s Seat was extremely challenging - needing to scale 1,116 feet of stone - strewn paths, woodland and heather. But the view from the top was worth every step - even in the drizzle and overcast nature of the day. We also met a squad of Army recruits with 40 lb packs jogging down from Simon's Seat! In fact they lunched at the Braden Bridge Car Park so met up with Rosemary, Monica and Hillary.
The walk back from Bolton Abbey, back down at the River Wharf level was ‘interrupted by heavy rain - which they slogged through!
Leeds Branch scaling the ‘heights’ again and benefitting from beautiful local facilities. After the stresses of Monday’s Court case, where we pointed out that the ZHRO Walk for Freedom events are to help with the unwarranted stress of the UK Asylum process!

A very good day 10:30 am at Barden Bridge (BD23 6AS ) and finishing around 17:30 pm. 7 hours walking, climbing and scrambling over heath, hill and dale!

So looking forward to the 13-14th August 2022 "Walk for Freedom" Brighton Pier to Hampton Court Application form to register CLICK HERE Please print and Complete and e-mail to us. Also our Facebook Event Page to register Interest FB Click Here

Selection of images from the day: FULL PHOTO LOG - CLICK HERE

 Trig Point on Simon's Seat [485m]  Top of Simon's Seat
Mervis and John on top of Simon's Seat - with Flag Mervis and Moses - with flag
 Above the tree line  Route to Simon's Saet
The walk up - now past the tree line the signpost shows the route to Simon's Seat
 ON the way to the River Wharf in the Valley of Desolation  Some of the Soldier Recruits
Mervis and John relaxing now as we are partway down after visiting Simon's Seat The Squaddies who we met {as they were coming down} whilst we were climbing UP!
 SADC Banner on Simon's Seat  At the end of the day
THe SADC "reminder" {of their duty and ethos} at 485m above sea level [Simon's Seat] at 17:30 after a long day walking {7 hours or thereabouts} plus the River team were walking too
 Moses now returned to the River Wharf  Moses next to the outcrop called Simon's Seat
A nice scene of the River Wharf new Bolton Abbey -with Moses Next to the Rocks around Simon's Seat
      Full photo log on our Flickr Album dated 26th July 2022

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Petition to SADC, AU, FCDO and BBC

Namibian Consulates Petition On the 20th July 2022 in the UK we organised a petition:
ZHRO, MyRight2Vote and ROHR hand delivered petitions to the Embassies below on Wednesday 20th July 2022 regarding the persecution of opposition MP’s and members of CCC in Zimbabwe, Following on from the gruesome murder of Moreblessing Ali sometime between May 24th and 11th June this year. In addition other CCC Mp's are being held without charge as a blatant attempt at intimidation. MORE BACKGROUND Click Here --Twitter Alert link
  • We met at Trafalgar Square
  • Delivered our petition to FCDO ( Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office and the Minister for Africa - possibly Vicky Ford? But with the new Government who knows) - [CLICK for Petition Copy]
  • To the Ambassador to the Embassy of Senegal (As the Senegal President is currently Chair of the AU) - [CLICK for Petition]
  • To the Namibian Consulate (As the Namibian President is Chair of SADC) [Photo] - [CLICK for Petition]
  • The the BBC (close to the Namibian Consulate) - [CLICK for Petition]
  • It was too late to deal with the Zimbabwe Embassy [but their Scottish Consulate was SERVED!] - [CLICK for Petition]
  • We had walked nearly 9 miles to achieve this "Petition Extravaganza" Twitter Tweets

Now we should like the global diaspora to try a similar exercises in their locality over the coming weeks to suit their own timetables. Firstly to check on the address, ambassador/high commissioner names and e-mails of all the Embassies of Senegal, Consulates of Namibia, and the Embassies of Zimbabwe, please access this PDF with live web links [thanks go to for all this data] to them all GLOBAL EMBASSY CONTACT LIST - Click Here to Download or access.

Then you can copy the proforma body text [below - with Read More/Pages] to the Senegal Embassies and Namibian Consulates as shown here. Replace the name of the Ambassador with the name from the PDF database above. Also get the e-mail so you can send them "Notice of Petition Hand Over" [ before the the written petition will be available with an update to this article.] SEE Here for the Written Petition Templates in this article TEMPLATES this includes the Zimbabwe Embassy Templates.

Flickr Website Images of the day CLICK HERE

Review of the Day

db38057c 19cb 495f 8a3d 2b719d512d37"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."
Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

The above ethos carried us forward. With delays and cancellations on the British Railways, many activists were thwarted before they got to Trafalgar Square - those who had books buses [cheaper, but slower] proved to be most successful. Activists arrived and signed the attendance register from Glasgow, Bristol, Nottingham, Manchester, Doncaster, Leicester, Wolverhampton, and Sheffield to name a few. Those form London were there too, also from the outlying counties.

The weather was good, temperatures had abated to 25oC from the 39oC the day before. It was sunny!  

We departed Trafalgar Square a little behind schedule to allow those who had experienced travel delays - so we set off down Whitehall. Past the chaos of 10 Downing Street, where the battle to replace the devious and untrustworthy Boris Johnson was in full swing! Asking the policemen outside "How is the Election Going" - they replied "we haven't a clue"

Just around the corner is the massive Foreign Office Building. We entered King Charles Street to gather outside the elaborate gates to the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office [FCDO] see small photo.

We were greeted by two managers to receive the petition [signed by Chief Ndiweni [My Right to Vote], Vongayi Mufara [ROHR] and John Burke [ZHRO]. They listened attentively to our suggestions and agreed to deliver it to the Africa Desk/Minister for Africa Office. So first port of call Petition delivered.

Onwards: the walk to the Senegal Embassy entailed a total of 3.84 miles (6.1km) - we carried on through King Charles Street and into St James' Park - with the cooling effects of the trees very much appreciated. At the same time several of our group were attempting to coordinate with those who were elsewhere within London, where we could rendezvous. 

82bafaaf 11bb 412a b375 4d6beed67968Skirting Buckingham Palace grounds, towards Brompton and headed on towards Kensington And Chelsea. After we had 'pounded' the streets for 90 minutes we arrived at the Senegal Embassy to be greeted by a large group of activists who had made their way there. They had already engaged with the Embassy Staff about the intention to hand over a petition document regarding their President's current position of Chair of the African Union [AU].

We respectfully delivered our second petition of the day. The Senegal Embassy staff were most accommodating. We also were surprised to hear that they were coordinating their own elections for the 31st July. The Zimbabwean activists present were also shocked when those same staff revealed that during National Elections that all Senegal Nationals in the UK attended the Embassy and other Consulates to cast their vote! there is no need to return to Senegal!! Zimbabweans were aghast! This would solve so many issues - if only the Zanu PF military cabal could be honest, and allow free and fair elections - but that's why were are here!

We loitered a little longer at the Senegal Embassy and they were most kind, and offered those in need "use of their facilities".

As Chief Ndiweni had commented here - that "we must build relationships with these other Embassies". the chief also gave an interview with Valarie Karimakwenda [who also did a fine Interview in Glasgow at the COP26 Conference protest in November 2021]. Here is a link to Twitter for this interview: Chief Ndiweni Interview -Senagal Embassy

Now we had to get to the Namibian Consulate at 6 Chandon Street, London W1G 9LU, near the wonderful Langham Hotel and backing onto the BBC Headquarters. This is another 3.5 miles distant! We may have "cheated" but we like to think that we flew there before closing!

We did march down the length of Oxford Street, from Marble Arch to Oxford Circus, then towards the BBC building. We passed by the front of the Langham Hotel and into Chandos Street - the Consulate is in the corner. We saw the flag, and the give-away was the new Merc with a number-plate "1 NAM".

Personalised NumberplatesAgain we respectfully knocked on their door. We were allowed to submit the petition [as their President hold the Chair of SADC this year. We again physically signed the petition, The Chief, Vongayi and John. The Chief did the official 'handover' at the door of the Embassy. But as anticipated they were a little camera-shy. See Twitter Post at this Moment.

A further video of the Chief making a commentary regarding the need to build relationships with these Embassies and Consulates as an "imperative" 

We held up our banners and all the activists discussed the desire to vote at their local Embassy - for a free, fair and inclusive election process - but not likely from the corrupt and devious Zanu PF regime - who only a day of so ago, had Mnangagwa claiming to "rule" past 2023 - [no mention of the more normal concept of "to serve"]. However the subtle pressures being applied by international diplomacy will attempt to ensure that this electoral corruption is kicked out of Zimbabwe.

It was now nearly 18:00 so we decided to save the Zimbabwe Petition for another day [However we did have Linda Chenyama to serve the Zimbabwe Consulate in Glasgow at the same time!] See Tweet of Linda at the Zimbabwe Consulate -- dated 20th July 2022.

So now the last port of call on the 20th July was the BBC. A very short walk back past the Langham Hotel had us arrive at the BBC in about 3 minutes flat. The staff were making a documentary about the BBC over the decades and a 1950's Outside Broadcast Unit was on the concourse to the BBC.

We again, respectfully requested to the Nigerian {!} security personnel  as to why we were there. After a little discussion among the other security teams a South African Floor Manager arrived to accept the Petition from Chief Ndiweni and to listen to his pleas regarding free, fair and open elections in 2023 - in spite of the current intimidation being applied onto opposition members and MP's. The Floor Manage assured the Chief that the petition would be given to the BBC Africa Desk See Tweet of that moment here.

We are still reviewing the day, as a lot of ground and discussion were covered by all 24 who attended. Watch out for further updates!

We have also been alerted to the Stockholm, Sweden Petition delivery by our activist over there, Sophia. More will be happening over the coming weeks. The effects of the Petition Extravaganza are ongoing and cumulative. 


Senegal Embassy pre-petition Notice Text

Essential Principles

"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."

Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948

INSERT AMBASSADOR NAME HERE, Ambassador of the Republic of Senegal,

Since Senegal’s President Macky SALL, is the current Chair of the African Union (AU), we are respectfully writing to you to seek your valued influence within the AU. We are appealing to His Excellency the President, to cast his attention towards Zimbabwe’s worsening democratic performance.

As the Zimbabwean 2023 General Elections gets closer, the current regime seems more inclined to ‘suspend’ democracy, the rule of law and their Constitution. Their 2018 election left many questions unanswered.

As you are aware AU’s core values in respect of ‘Democracy and Human Rights’ is to uphold free and fair elections within all member States.

External criticism of Zimbabwe’s human rights by Amnesty International in their 2021 assessment points to a further deteriorating Human Rights situation.

To this end we are seeking permission to hand over a written petition to your Embassy on the afternoon of the 20th July 2022. A purely ceremonial affair without any obligation upon yourself to meet with our delegation

We seek your esteemed influence in the above matter.

We remain respectfully yours, on behalf of all opposition political parties.

  • My Right 2 Vote:                                                                   Chief Inkhosi Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni; Founder
  • Restoration of Human Rights Zimbabwe (ROHR):                Mr P A Karimanzira; Spokesperson
  • Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation:                               M J C Burke; Founder





Namibain Consulates pre-petition Notice Text


Essential Principles

"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . . The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."

Article 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948


Since Namibia’s President, Hage Geingob, is the current Chair of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), we are respectfully writing to you to seek your valued influence within SADC.

We are appealing to His Excellency the President, to cast his attention towards Zimbabwe’s worsening democratic performance.

As their 2023 General Elections gets closer, the current regime seems more inclined to ‘suspend’ democracy, the rule of law and their Constitution. Their 2018 election left many questions unanswered.

As you are aware SADC’s ethos in this respect is to uphold free and fair elections within all member States.

External criticism of Zimbabwe’s human rights by Amnesty International in their 2021 assessment points to a further deteriorating Human Rights situation.

To this end we are seeking permission to hand over a written petition to your Consulate on the afternoon of the 20th July 2022. A purely ceremonial affair without any obligation upon yourself to meet with our delegation.

We seek your esteemed influence in the above matter.

We remain respectfully yours,

  • My Right 2 Vote:                                                                   Chief Inkhosi Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni; Founder
  • Restoration of Human Rights Zimbabwe (ROHR):                Mr P A Karimanzira; Spokesperson
  • Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation:                               M J C Burke; Founder




Wednesday, 30 March 2022

ZHRO Walk for Freedom Week-by-Week

ZHRO activists are walking for freedom from different areas of UK 🇬🇧.  

The road ahead: Walk for Freedom

On the 16 of March 2022 at Walton Park, I walked campaigning for Zimbabweans , facing serious human rights breached daily by Zanu PF government. People of Zimbabwe are crying every second for freedom of speech, freedom of health and freedom of voting without intimidation (etc).

Shibden Park -Flag

As I continue with my campaign for Human Rights. 23 March 2022, I went to Shibden Park, raising Zimbabwean flag. We need our freedom to choose the party we want to support and the brutality of Zanu PF against Human Rights Activists, state
media and CCCZimbabwe must stop immediately. 

30 March 2022, walking around Batley wearing ZHRO t-shirt , campaigning for our freedom, not to be silenced by Zanu PF government and all Zimbabwean must have their rights freely. 

Shibden Park

So on 13-14th August 2022 I will again start out from Brighton Pier to trek the 105km to Hampton Court, London some 28 or more hours walking - including a night section!


Report by:

Mevis Mutsvangwa

Based in Batley