Monday, 26 November 2018

Why Are the Home Office Treating People This Way

Below is a written statement from one of our members regarding his last period in "Detention" - which is in-effect, prison. At present in Zimbabwe there is a "Commission of Inquiry" into the murder of 6 civilians by the Army.

Zimbabwe is a very dangerous place if you are in opposition to the regime - this seems to count for nothing within the UK Asylum regime. It/they seems only too happy to terrorise asylum seekers here. Read on.

My name is Bigboy Sibanda, D.O.B 28 January 1978, Home Office ref: S1142946 and I am a prominent activist, civil rights defender and an effective defender of Zimbabwe human rights in the UK. I am very vocal against "President Mnangagwa" and the Zimbabwean Government and its proxies, this places me at a heightened risk of being harmed, killed or persecuted in Zimbabwe.

This is my history of Detention - for being an Asylum Seeker - not a Criminal

""I had been detained for a week at Oakington Detention Centre in 2002, [and then] detained again from 1 July 2008 to 2 March 2011 (almost 3 years) at Brook House IRC". 
 ""I was released on bail and electronically tagged for 3 years 9 months and 8 days. I reported twice a week on a Monday and a Friday for over 6 months, which got reduced to once a week, which became every Friday for over 7 years at Becket House London Bridge.""
""I was detained [yet] again on 15 of June 2018 at Brook House IRC and released on the 11 of July 2018 and continued reporting at Becket House every Friday without fail.""

The Home Office wish to deport me to Zimbabwe. A country known to the world for its human rights abuses and corruption. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety which I am being treated for. For depression, I take Mirtazapine 45mg arodispersible tablets, which is the highest dose of antidepressants tablets. I also suffer from skin condition where I require Eumovate cream and my scalp itches to the point where my hair falls out and have to use Ketozopine Shampoo. All these conditions I picked them up whilst detained at Brook House IRC. I ask where will I get medical care in Zimbabwe, besides I am a torture survivor by the brutal Zimbabwean police.

When I got detained [AGAIN, for the 4th Time] on the 19 October 2018, I pleaded with them to release me as I look after a 75 year old woman who has had a stroke, it fell into deaf ears, which shows how much they disregard human life and the fact that as a perceived journalist because of my writing of letters to the editor. I am facing real danger upon my return to Zimbabwe. There are articles online where I criticise President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the Zimbabwean government and its proxies. I am also very critical of the terrorist government of Zimbabwe on social media, Twitter and Facebook.

""When I was last detained, first at Brook House IRC, Gatwick Airport for 4 days, on the fourth night at 1 am, an officer came to my cell and told me to pack as I was being transferred. I refused and went to sleep as far as I was concerned I was a detainee in detention so what was the point of moving me to another detention centre. The following morning two massive officers turned up at my door and told me to pack my property or face being removed by force, so I packed and was transferred to Harmondsworth IRC, Heathrow Airport.""

Harmondsworth IRC is a disgusting place, the Officers are horrible people, it is infested with mice, and bedbugs, there are a lot of empty cells for these reasons, as they are inhabitable. The place is a nightmare, very chaotic and scary. Detainees are bitten by bedbugs to the point of infection and as the medical care sporadic. The officers do not hesitate to use force, in fact, they seem to enjoy it. You are treated worse than animals and very often, "inmates" try to take their own lives. Food is inedible and disgusting. Whilst I was there a detainee went on hunger strike; officers didn’t even notice.
Leaking Toilet

 Sometimes visits are left unmonitored which is why Harmondsworth IRC is rife with drug use.

On the 26 October 2018, I was taken to Heathrow Airport for deportation. I was told by an officer to pack and go to reception I was being transferred. When I arrived in reception I was jumped on and surrounded by seven men (not officers). The Team Leader took control of that chaotic situation and said “just to let you know you're being deported today” I was body searched, told to shake my dreadlocks, told to open my upper lip and bottom lip, lift my tongue I was then chained without my consent, carried out like a bag of rubbish. I told them I was not given any notice or removal directions so they were smuggling me out of the country unlawfully. They answered they were just doing their job if I have any queries I should sort them out with the Home Office.

I felt like I was arrested for smuggling drugs with the way the search went and like the worst criminal the way they chained me unnecessarily as I didn't resist. I did not resist the efforts to be deported as I was aware of an infamous case of Jimmy Mubenga from Angola who was killed in 2010 at Gatwick Airport by these racist Home Office escorts. On the way to Heathrow Airport I asked them about the removal directions, they showed me a pink paper with just “Emergency Travel Document” on it and I was not allowed to touch it and read it myself. I was also told I will be flying with Kenyan Airways on flight 101.

My passport expired in 2008. and I have no I.D. I would like to know how the Home Office obtained my travelling documents? When I was detained in June 2018. I had an interview by Zimbabwean officials who said they were doing a survey on how many Zimbabweans are in detentions in the UK. They claimed they were sent by the Zimbabwean government to do a tally. They were heading for Moscow (Russia) next to do the same thing. They asked for my signature so they will get paid they said, which I refused to give as I feel they were not there for that reason, rather they were trying to make me one of the 2,500 Zimbabweans, the Home Office wished to deport, due to the "Windrush" debacle.

I wrote about 10 important emails to broadcasting co-operations in the UK while in Harmondsworth IRC because I trusted that as persons working in a broadcasting and probably with an interest to journalists, they will intervene and assist if they're able, as I am facing possible charges of treason accompanied by a death sentence if deported to Zimbabwe, in its current climate as the army is still hunting down and killing opposition members and people who are vocal against the Zimbabwean government.

If deported I am likely to be perceived as a journalist because of my writing on letters to the editor sections of various newspapers in internationally. It is the journalists who exposed "Windrush" scandal after all. I appealed for international solidarity and trusted they will do something to help. I begged them not to let me not suffer the same heartbreaking death that Jamal Khashoggi went through, in Zimbabwe.

I am definitely facing real danger if deported because of my surplus activities in the UK particularly publicity about inciting the world to reject Zimbabwe's recent Election Outcome as it was rigged. This publicity is readily available on the internet and as a result of this, I will be questioned, identified and eventually exposed to real risk in Zimbabwe.

The Zimbabwean Militia are targeting human rights activists. I am heartbroken to tell you that my other MDC member in Zimbabwe died soon after elections because of his activism and many of them are being abducted and facing persecution, so my worry is, if I am deported to Zimbabwe, they will take me straight arrest me on arrival and charge me with treason, due to my MDC support. As you know the charge of treason carries the death penalty. which is still a method of choice in Zimbabwe!

I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that I am at a risk and real danger because of my incitement to the world to reject elections which were rigged. Zimbabwe government will definitely persecute me, harm me, detain me and kill me. Please stand up for me and do something to save my life.

I beseech you to assist me and not stand by as I am in no doubt in danger. Please do not let it be, that you could have helped me and that the next thing you hear about me is that I was killed in Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwean Militia are targeting human rights activists.

I am heartbroken that other MDC members in Zimbabwe died soon after elections because of their activism and many of them are being abducted and facing persecution, torture and death so my worry is, I step my foot in Zimbabwe, I will be one of them. I will be questioned at the Harare Airport by the CIO and never to be seen again.

""The racist Home Office do lie and fabricate travel documents on your behalf without your consent and knowledge and use underhanded tactics of fast-tracking cases.""

My fresh claim was refused before I submitted all the evidence I had in my computer as I was detained. Now I have just a matter of days to prepare for my appeal. They will say each case will be heard on its own merit, well not if you are not given a chance to fully prepare your case and be heard fully and squarely. My question is how come the racist Home Office is above the law. They seem to make up policies on a whim. Their country guidance is a farce it doesn’t reflect what's truly happening in Zimbabwe.

Racist Home Office deporting Zimbabweans is like the Nazis sending Jews to the gas chamber.

Yours in need of international protection (Refugee) and Human Rights Activist

Thank you to my ZHRO family who called and sent me phone credits. Also, the MDC family too they really made my nightmare better

Bigboy Sibanda - 25th November 2018

Saturday, 20 October 2018

A Fairer Asylum Process

 A report by Shiellah Mushunje, ZHRO Member - Peterborough.

We had a fruitful meeting concerning the real plight of Asylum Seekers. It was well attended.

Key issues discussed include: 

  • the right to work for asylum seekers
    Shiellah from ZHRO
  • detention system
  • signing in and how individuals get picked up by immigration officers
  • high legal costs for those appealing denied cases
  • housing
  • mental health issues
  • families
  • vulnerable people
  • long term illnesses

What can be done

  • Lift the ban( on employment) which has already started
  • Petition to be started on grant amnesty to all undocumented migrants so they can be self sufficient.
  • Campaign with councils to fund a programme with CAB to give free legal help to those asylum seekers , refugees and immigrants
  • Work with housing societies, to get supported housing for refugees.
  • Raise awareness through empowerment programme
  • Create sign in solidarity system which can support those signing in
  • Here in Cambridge we have one central point, the main police station.
  • Mobilisation of people with influence.

Who Came to Listen

 The meeting was attended by City Councillors,
Academics, Feminist groups, Cambridge Refugees Council, Migrants Organise, Global Justice Now, Right to Remain, Anti Racist activists, Quakers movement, Cambridge care, Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum, Church leaders.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

State Sponsored Terror - The Zimbabwe Case for classification of the ruling elite as terrorists

Governmental or "State" terror: Sometimes referred to as "terror from above", where a government terrorises its own population to control or repress them. Let's apply these issue to the regime in Zimbabwe since 1980.

Bayonets used on Civilians 1st August 2018 by the Military
These 'State Terrorist' actions usually constitute the acknowledged policy of the government, and make use of official institutions and other key propaganda outlets such as the:
  • Judiciary, 
  • Police, 
  • Military, 
  • Reserve Bank
  • The Media [TV, Radio and Newspapers.]
  • and other government agencies such as the Paracitals state institutions that are a source of looting for the elite.
Changes to legal codes permit or encourage torture, killing, or property destruction in pursuit of government policy. In Zimbabwe's case the ruling regime has not signed up to the Convention Against Torture - nor the issue of Enforced Disappearance, thus allowing free reign to intimidate opposition.

"Zimbabwe has not yet ratified three core international human rights treaties namely the Convention against Torture,  and  other  Cruel,  Inhuman  or  Degrading  Treatment  or  Punishment  (CAT),  The  International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their  Families  (CMW)  and  the  International  Convention  for  the Protection  of  all  Persons  from Enforced  Disappearance  (CED)"
 Statement of UN Resident Coordinator in Zimbabwe

 Many of the Statutes in Zimbabwe are not aligned to the 2013 Constitution - making the application of "the Law" difficult to justify and certainly open to partisan interpretation.

After assuming power, official Nazi policy was aimed at the deliberate destruction of "state enemies" and the resulting intimidation of the rest of the population. Stalin's "purges" of the 1930s are examples of using the machinery of the state to terrorise a population. Now contrast these actions with the Gukurahundi Genocide - a clear policy of the purge of 'opposition' "dissidents" in Mugabe's own words.

The methods Stalin used included such actions as rigged show trials of opponents, punishing family or friends of suspected enemies of the regime, and extra-legal use of police or military force against the population. Again Mugabe's purges repeat these tactics, as do the violence, intimidation and rigging that accompanies the elections

Saddam Hussein used chemical weapons on his own Kurdish population without any particular change or expansion of policies regarding the use of force on his own citizens. They were simply used in an act of governmental terror believed to be expedient in accomplishing his goals.

State involvement in terror: These are activities where government personnel carry out operations using terror tactics. These activities may be directed against other nations' interests**, its own population, or private groups or individuals viewed as dangerous to the state. In many cases, these activities are terrorism under official sanction, although such authorisation is rarely acknowledged openly.

**The case in point is Mnangagwa's direct involvement along with the Zimbabwean Army in the Plunder of  DR Congo.

"Item 27: The key strategist for the Zimbabwean branch of the elite network is the Speaker of the Parliament and former National Security Minister, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. Mr. Mnangagwa has won strong support from senior military and intelligence officers for an aggressive policy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His key ally is a Commander of ZDF and Executive Chairman of COSLEG, General Vitalis Musunga Gava Zvinavashe. The General and his family have been involved in diamond trading and supply contracts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A long-time ally of President Mugabe, Air Marshal Perence Shiri, has been involved in military procurement and organizing air support for the pro-Kinshasa armed groups fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. He is also part of the inner circle of ZDF diamond traders who have turned Harare into a significant illicit diamond-trading centre."

Item 28: "Other prominent Zimbabwean members of the network include Brigadier General Sibusiso Busi Moyo, who is Director General of COSLEG. Brigadier Moyo advised both Tremalt and Oryx Natural Resources, which represented covert Zimbabwean military financial interests in negotiations with State mining companies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Air Commodore Mike Tichafa Karakadzai is Deputy Secretary of COSLEG, directing policy and procurement. He played a key role in arranging the Tremalt cobalt and copper deal. Colonel Simpson Sikhulile Nyathi is Director of defence policy for COSLEG. The Minister of Defence and former Security Minister, Sidney Sekeramayi, coordinates with the military leadership and is a shareholder in COSLEG. The Panel has a copy of a letter from Mr. Sekeramayi thanking the Chief Executive of Oryx Natural Resources, Thamer Bin Said Ahmed Al-Shanfari, for his material and moral support during the parliamentary elections of 2000. Such contributions violate Zimbabwean law."

Historical examples include the Soviet and Iranian assassination campaigns against dissidents who had fled abroad, and Libyan and North Korean intelligence operatives downing airliners on international flights.

Another type of these activities is "death squads" or "war veterans": unofficial actions taken by officials or functionaries of a regime (such as members of police or intelligence organisations) against their own population to repress or intimidate. While these officials will not claim such activities, and disguise their participation, it is often made clear that they are acting for the state.

Keeping such activities "unofficial" permits the authorities deniability and avoids the necessity of changing legal and judicial processes to justify oppression. This is different than "pro-state" terror, which is conducted by groups or persons with no official standing and without official encouragement.
1st August 2018 Bullets and Bayonets used

While pro-state terror may result in positive outcomes for the authorities, their employment of criminal methods and lack of official standing can result in disavowal and punishment of the terrorists, depending on the morality of the regime in question.

So what is the difficulty in ascribing the 'label' "Terrorist State" to Zimbabwe? They seem to tick all the boxes, have systematically intimidated, abducted, murdered, and raped their citizens. The Army has been used for political purposes and for the personal gain of their elite ranks. The elite political group have benefited financially in their $billions - so how can Zimbabwe be considered a democracy?

Thursday, 5 July 2018

BZA Statement: "...the process [observing printing ballot papers] was null and void"

ZEC [Zimbabwe Electoral Commission] are presiding over a ballot printing process that has NOT been legitamately observed by the opposition parties taking part in the 30 July Elections. This also included EU Observers!

What was observed however, was obfuscation and opaqueness in the extreme. Questions about the process went unanswered and the observers were not permitted to see the process in the same room, they were not allowed to observe a sample. What 'fraud' is being perpetrated in this ballot paper printing process that the ZEC Official was so intent to conceal?

Dr Noah Manyika's missive finished with this statement:

 "According to our representative and contrary to reports published in the official press, the general sentiment of party representatives at that point was that the process was null and void and that none of the stated purposed of the tour had been accomplished"

Full Press Release from BZA
So where can Zimbabwe go from here? This flagrant breach in the duty of the ZEC cannot be left unanswered.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Zimbabwe's Fake Elections - emerging from the Chaos

Despite promise after promise, and despite the "thumbs up" from the UK Ambassador to Zimbabwe [funny - who is being transferred to Nigeria in November!], Zimbawe's 'highly suspect' Electoral Process is full of gaping 'holes' - even though the apologists keep claiming that it will be Free, Fair and Credible!

Take this survey from
"Confidence with the Electoral Process" [Full results HERE]
""We asked respondents if they are satisfied about the preparations being made to ensure that the elections are free and fair. The majority 72.49% are not convinced that the elections will be free and fair. Through a question that allowed for multiple response, we asked them why they think that the elections will not be free and fair. They cited many reasons as per figure below.""
Fig 5: Answers to "why these elections will not be Free and Fair"

Figure 5 Confidence with the Electoral Process
The majority 68.3% do not trust the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, the agency responsible for running elections and there are some (56.79%) who feel there was need to carry out all outstanding electoral reforms before holding elections.

SO let's recap: 72.46% of the respondents are not convinced that the Elections will be Free and Fair.

AND 68.3% do not trust the ZEC - the body organising the Election Process.

 But let's not just listen to a survey shall we? What about 'Electoral Resource Centre' director Tawanda Chimhini, Concerning the Press Conference held on Monday 18th June by the ZEC Chair: >

Addressing journalists in Harare, ZEC chairperson, Priscilla Chigumba, said political parties had "no choice, but to participate in the July 30 polls and raise their complaints later as the election date cannot be changed."

 Tawanda Chimhini said: “For lack of a better word, it is very tragic. If ZEC is preparing for an election, it should prepare for a free and fair election, not one that will be challenged.

“Refusing to share details on the voters’ roll, refusing inspection of the voters’ roll so that people can give feedback is an admission that ZEC does not want any form of oversight and accountability. It shows the election commission is not ready and serious about running national elections.
Chimhini added: “How can they prepare to go for an election that will be contested? What is the rush? What type of an election are they preparing to run?
“We went to court and obtained a court order for them to release the voters’ roll used for inspection, but ZEC has defied a court order because it wants to run an election without accountability.

“An election should not be an election for the sake of an election. The dispute surrounding the 2013 polls was pertaining to the voters’ roll and we are repeating the same mistake. If they can tell us today that this is the final voters’ roll without having been inspected; then they can as well tell us that this would be the final results and we have nothing to do about it.”
Well there you have it - an election that is acknowledged to be highly suspect and with many flaws - by the population, the opposition and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission itself!

Added to that are the overt media bias from TV and Newspapers in Zimbabwe - who only write negative articles about any opposition to the ruling party [ they see themselves as RULERS as opposed to LEADERS - which in itself tells a story.]

Furthermore, the skewed Ward system which gives undue electoral advantage to the sparsely populated rural areas - the peoples of whom, are in turn the 'victims' of the ruling party's intimidation tactics - to induce voting for the ruling party. This intimidation is carried out by so called 'Zanu PF "Youths"' [ages up to 55!] and the Army - which the ruling party seems to bestow far too much due deference to - in fact some say that the Military are in fact in control.

This highly irreverent cartoon shows the [retired] Army General - (now Zimbabwe's Vice President), working Mnangagwa (Now President, after a de facto coup d'état in November 2017 and Mugabe's right hand hench  man for 37 years) who in turn is pulling the strings of the ZEC [Zimbabwe Electoral Commission] Chairwoman - about whom we have been discussing above.

 The likenesses are surprisingly very accurate!

Source: ANON

 At the end of the day the Elections in Zimbabwe will be a sham, but who will do anything about it?
As in 2008 there was a de faco coup d'état, and in 2013, the Elections could not be classified as Free and Fair.

So in effect we have AN ILLEGAL [MILITARY] DICTATORSHIP, with a so called "ruling party" not democratically elected, calling the shots to re-elect itself. 

Well that will be free, Fair and Credible then - won't it?

TRAGIC - is the word, as stated above.

Friday, 11 May 2018

How can Zimbabwe, so Rich in Mineral Resources, be so Impoverished?

""Zimbabwe’s economy is characterized by instability and volatility, both of which are hallmarks of excessive government interference and mismanagement. Massive corruption and disastrous economic policies have plunged the country into poverty. An inefficient judicial system and general lack of transparency severely exacerbate business costs and entrepreneurial risk. The government will likely adopt desperate short-term measures to stave off economic collapse, possibly including a unilateral de-dollarization that would reopen the door to hyperinflation, further crippling the private sector and severely undermining macroeconomic stability.""

""Zimbabwe’s economic freedom score is 44.0, making its economy the 174th freest in the 2018 Index. Its overall score has not changed, with significant improvements in scores for the trade freedom and judicial effectiveness indicators exactly offset by a plunge in fiscal health. Zimbabwe is ranked 44th among 47 countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and its overall score is below the regional and world averages.""

Source Of both Quotes:Heritage Foundation

GDP Downturn

The graph above needs further explanation. In 2008 the Military [a de-facto Coup d'etat] over-turned a 75% election win  by the MDC opposition and created a "Government of National Unity" [sic] . In practice this had Tendai Biti from MDC as Minister of Finance - who very rapidly turned the fiscal situation around - by basically curtailing suicidal Government Spending. However, too often the "Office of the President" [Mugabe] would limit or over-rule his sensible actions.

Therefore the growth from 2008-2011 is initiated by MDC's Mr Biti - but by 2012 the old "habits" of profligate patronage and corruption are starting to take effect.

The vote rigging in 2013 made sure the Zanu PF once again took full control. The Graph clearly indicates the folly and general incompetence of their economic policies.

Additionally intimidation, political violence, Human Rights Abuses, Torture and corruption took hold once again - and to this day are continuing, with only the briefest respite when Mugabe was removed by a de-facto Coup d'etat in November 2017.

Free and Fair Elections?

In an attempt to win the 2018 election, Zanu PF and their new imposed "President" Mnangagwa is spending a reported $200m on his campaign with massive posters all over the capital. Also a propaganda "Charm-Offensive" and the slogan "Open for Business" are being widely marketed both domestically and internationally.

Unfortunately there is little evidence of an independent media in Zimbabwe. The only TV Channel is run for the benefit of the regime, and only reports on negaitive aspects of any of the opposition, The same is true of several of the newspapers - particulalry the overtly partisan Herald.

Free and Fair Elections have been promised, but delivery of this promise is very hard to find. The media is still partisan, the Zimbabwe Electoral Comission is still partisan, The Military is still partisan, the Judisiary is still partisan - in fact nearly every organ of Government and Nationalised Industry is partisan. Additionally the 2013 Consitution is being breached by partisan legislation designed to maintain an unfair advantage for the regime.

With Elections scheduled just a few months away Free, Fair and Credible voting is not possible.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Indifference to the People's Desperate Needs

Taken from Raw and Unfiltered Perspective

Self-Inflicted Death Throws of Zanu PF

Indifference to the people's desperate needs, indifference to the people's pain and suffering is what will pen the political demise of the willfully clueless unelected Zanu pf coup leadership at the helm of the republic.

I am not sure if his utterances and ill conceived decisions are symptomatic of an adverse reaction out of abuse of ambi and ponds which maybe have gone past the skin to his brains, It is imperative that General Chiwenga and his installed project Mnangagwa be guided accordingly so that they are fully aware of what the true owners of the republic, the general populace are capable of doing with their vote because being continually mocked by these two that Zanu pf will rule forever because they are entitled to doing so by virtue of their liberation credentials is not only sickening but insulting in view of the naseous mess we are currently festering in, a product of nearly four decades of gross mismanagement of the economy, corruption, entitlement and unchecked looting by the said and their fellow Zanu pf comrades.

For the record General Chiwenga seems to be ill informed, he is not aware that we cannot continue to salute politicians who are doing nothing for the general populace nor anything to develop the republic save for looting national resources. So that liberation war talk is stale, it is way outdated beyond its shelve life, it holds no clout, it is irrelevant because it does not put food on ordinary people's table and the so called liberation gains he constantly refers to have not translated to the nation so we have absolutely no reason to celebrate ill gotten personal gains since it has nothing to do with the national development but personal gains for a select few.

May our Coup installed General Chiwenga be reminded that the people of this republic do not owe him or his assistant Mnangagwa any apologies and also be reminded that he is in for a rude awakening if he continues thinking that Zanu pf is going to be ruling forever because they are not, as a matter of fact this year will be their last call as a ruling party and will soon be the opposition.

My brothers and sisters, do not be intimidated by anyone claiming special privileges or access to national resources without being accountable to any checks and balances while evoking immunity for their ill calculated actions or any misdeeds primarily because they have a claim to being a freedom fighter or revolutionery. This has been abused so much that, it doesn't scare us anymore, it is of no relevance to the challenges, needs and dictates of this generation.


My take is having lived under the harsh realities of a Zanu pf led government's failed economic policies and brutality, they foisted upon a people is no different than fighting a war and surviving in a war zone where daily you fight for survival, scraping for a living, trying hard, fighting to defend your own freedoms and liberties from a repressive regime hence being revolutioneries and freedom fighters by virtue of that war we are still waging, a nearly four decades long war of survival.

The grim reality of living under a Zanu pf regime has not only been atrocious but depressingly heart wrenching and traumatic, that is why it is imperative for Zanu pf to leave our political diet to allow a people to heal as soon as they are served their electoral packing orders. Not only will it be therapeutic but a very well deserved rehabilitation and national healing from the wounds of the brutal repression and a sustained denial of workers and a people's rights.

Should there be any benefits to be qualified for, I am glad to say that the whole country will qualify for it because we are all revolutioneries and freedom fighters waging a war against a system of dictatorship taking away workers rights, stealing national resources, intimidating workers and citizens from expressing their need for a better standard of living. Having suffered for nearly four decades and still fighting a social political revolution, for a better standard of living and opportunities being hoarded by a rogue regime for selective access to a few kin of the corrupt politicians, we the general populace are the true freedom fighters and revolutioneries fighting a corrupt and repressive system, a military dictatorship.

We are All Freedom Fighters Now

Always remember my brothers and sisters that you are a revolutionery and freedom fighter by your own merit, in your own right because fighting a repressive system, poverty daily, nursing a wounded will to carry on under draconian laws, enduring inhibitive government sponsored terror, anguish and inhospitable conditions, living under a repressive Zanu pf regime intolerant to dissent, calls for resilience, it requires a special set of survival skills and the will to continue to survive without any hope in sight.

That fighter instinct in you, that revolutionery in you, that freedom fighter you are, has carried you in torrid conditions to today, so let no one have such an antiquated claim like Chiwenga's utterance that he will forgive us for not having fought the liberation struggle, its nothing to be proud of, when all there is, is falling in to the hands of tyranny and dictatorship.

We owe no one nothing but have been robbed and stripped of our dignity as a people for the last three decades and eight years in counting by the same thieves now wanting us to salute them without question, no, we wont because we the people are the true freedom fighters and revolutioneries fighting for the change we deserve from a system holding us hostage under the beluef that we owe them a lifetime of debt for their liberation participation.

It is now time to cut off the umbilical of entitlement and unfettered access to national resources by a few political thieves and their military cohorts.

Thursday, 19 April 2018


-  To hell with 38 years of fake Independence
-  To hell with 38 years of Dictatorship
-  To hell with 38 years of Empty promises about jobs
-  To hell with 38 years of Forced Occupation
-  To hell with 38 years of Insults and Demeaning
-  To hell with 38 years of Vote Rigging and Manipulation of Election Results
-  To hell with 38 years of Suffering
-  To hell with 38 years of Murders
-  To hell with 38 years of Looting
-  To hell with 38 years of Corruption
-  To hell with 38 years of Nepotism
-  To hell with 38 years of Poverty
-  To hell with 38 years of Hunger
-  To hell with 38 years of Torture
-  To hell with 38 years of Unemployment
-  To hell with 38 years of No Freedom after Speech
-  To hell with 38 years of Racism and Tribalism
-  To hell with 38 years of Propaganda
-  To hell with 38 years of Poor Governance
-  To hell with 38 years of Partisan of Food Distribution
-  To hell with 38 years of Militarized ZEC Institution
-  To hell with 38 years of Militarized Zimbabwe Government
-  To hell with 38 years of Deployed Militaries in Rural Areas

Zimbabwe isn't Independent under Mnangagwa's Government but Inde-Pendence without Democratic Freedom and we Democrats, we are still fighting for Zimbabwe's Independence and Freedom.

Fellow Democrats, let's keep on putting more immense political and socio-economic pressure to these ruthless thuggish heartless Zanu-Pf hooligans until we bring the Democratic Freedom that our brothers and sisters fought for.

INDEPENDENCE DAY should we celebrate?

  1. Hospitals are closed
  2. Banks have no cash
  3. Almost everyone is jobless
  4. There is Cholera everywhere.
  5. No drinking water in towns.
  6. Potholes everywhere.
  7. Where is Dzamara?
  8. We have an unelected president.

why should we celebrate, ko kungoti gore rino we are not celebrating

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Free & Fair Media Coverage in Zimbabwe - Fat Chance

THE Media Institute of Southern Africa Zimbabwe (MISA Zimbabwe) has reported President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) asking the regional body to push Harare to reform the state media before this year’s elections.
"The Media Institute of Southern Africa Zimbabwe (MISA Zimbabwe), by virtue of this letter, humbly seeks to draw your attention on the above-mentioned matter highlighting the lack of progress in media reforms in Zimbabwe."
In a petition handed to SADC’s executive secretary, Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax, at his Botswana offices last Monday, MISA said there won’t be free and fair elections if the new government did not reform the public media which has, since independence, been biased towards Zanu PF.
“Before and after the 2013 general elections, concerns were raised about the public broadcaster’s highly partisan coverage of the ruling party to the exclusion of opposition political parties and other dissenting voices and views,” said the petition.

MISA said most of the reforms Harare continued to ignore were also raised by the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) after the 2013 harmonized elections.

“Five years later, the Zimbabwean government is still to implement the envisaged media reforms. This indeed is cause for great concern, especially in light of the fact that Zimbabwe is expected to hold general elections sometime this year,” said MISA. 

"MISA-Zimbabwe respectfully submits that Zimbabwe’s government has the obligation and responsibility to implement the reforms in question without any further delays. This obligation arises from the country’s Constitution as well as regional instruments such as the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections and the African Charter on Democracy Elections and Governance,” said the regional media watchdog.
 Laws such as the BSA, the Public Order and Security Act (POSA), along with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), still contain provisions, which indisputably violate fundamental rights to privacy, freedom of expression and access to information. The protection of these fundamental rights is key to a robust democratic media environment.
Opposition political parties have since formed an alliance called the National Electoral Reform Agenda [NERA] through which they are lobbying government to institute a cocktail of electoral reforms which among them include equal access to the public media.
MISA also said journalists should not be subjected to double accreditation as mandated by statutory bodies like the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission during elections.
“The requirement that a journalist who is already accredited with the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC), needs further accreditation by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), for election-related coverage, is unnecessarily cumbersome, bureaucratic and an unnecessary drain on the fiscus.
“The media cannot cover elections properly when it cannot access relevant events and places by virtue of not being accredited by ZEC. The purpose of laws or regulations on media and elections - and the function of a regulatory body - is to create an environment in which the media conducts their business freely.
Elections are not state secrets to be investigated by dedicated investigative journalists. Instead they should be conducted openly and freely. The fundamental guiding principle here being that, journalists as duly and constitutionally accredited by the ZMC, should be given unfettered access to all election- related events,” said MISA.
Regarding the Safety and Security of Journalists MISA said:
While 2017 saw a marked decline in the number of cases involving media violations; the severity of the nature of the violations was of great concern. MISA-Zimbabwe recorded the unlawful arrest or detention of seven (7) journalists in 2017. In the same year, MISA Zimbabwe recorded the assault of eight (8) journalists during the course of their duties.
In their report The State of Media Report Zimbabwe, MISA introduce the document with this summary:
In his inauguration speech on 24 November 2017 following the ouster of former Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said he would ensure the pillars of democracy are strengthened and respected in Zimbabwe.

At face value, these remarks can be interpreted as realisation that during his 37-year hold on power, former president, Mugabe, failed to strengthen the pillars of democracy despite the coming into existence of the much acclaimed 2013 Constitution which was expected to open a new democratic dispensation in Zimbabwe.

In saying that, President Mnangagwa was not off mark. As the year came to a close in 2017, laws such as the discredited Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), used to license and regulate the media; the Official Secrets Act (OSA), to broadly embargo information held by public bodies and the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA), to hinder free establishment of private radio stations, remained entrenched in the country’s statutes.

Other restrictive laws include the Public Order and Security Act, Censorship and Entertainment Controls Act (CECA), and the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. This should also be viewed against the government’s accelerated efforts to introduce the cybercrime laws, generally perceived as intended to curb free speech online.

These laws essentially curtail citizens’ right to freedom of assembly and association, demonstrate and petition, including the right to freedom of conscience, as provided for by Sections 58, 59 and 60 of the Constitution as well as Sections 61 and 62 which protect the right to free expression, media freedom and access to information.

Full Letter below:
12 March 2018

Dear Dr. Stergomena,


The Media Institute of Southern Africa Zimbabwe (MISA Zimbabwe), by virtue of this letter, humbly seeks to draw your attention on the above-mentioned matter highlighting the lack of progress in media reforms in Zimbabwe.

After the 2013 general elections, the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM), made recommendations on improving the state of the media in Zimbabwe. These recommendations complement the media rights enshrined in Zimbabwe’s Constitution, which was gazetted shortly before the 2013 elections.

Five years later, the Zimbabwean government is still to implement the envisaged media reforms. This indeed is cause for great concern, especially in light of the fact that Zimbabwe is expected to hold general elections sometime this year.

MISA-Zimbabwe respectfully submits that Zimbabwe’s government has the obligation and responsibility to implement the reforms in question without any further delays. This obligation arises from the country’s Constitution as well as regional instruments such as the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections and the African Charter on Democracy Elections and Governance.

It is with this in mind, that we humbly seek to draw your attention to the following issues of concern:

Need for alignment of media laws with the Constitution

Zimbabwe’s Constitution is the supreme law of Zimbabwe and any law, practice, custom or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency. Despite this clear position, government has been reluctant to institute meaningful changes to deal with inconsistencies, which currently exist in laws, which affect the media environment in Zimbabwe.

In its 2013 observation, the “AUEOM took cognisance of several interlocutors’ views that fundamental freedoms may be curtailed should there be no further review of the provisions of the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) and the POSA and the manner in which they were being implemented.”

Laws such as the BSA, the Public Order and Security Act (POSA), along with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA), still contain provisions, which indisputably violate fundamental rights to privacy, freedom of expression and access to information. The protection of these fundamental rights is key to a robust democratic media environment.

Partisan reporting by the public broadcaster
Section 160J of Zimbabwe’s Electoral Act states that during an election period, broadcasters and print publishers must ensure that all political parties and candidates are treated equitably in their news media. This position is reiterated in Article 17(3) of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, which calls for the state broadcaster to provide a balanced platform for all competing parties and alternative voices.

Before and after the 2013 general elections, concerns were raised about the public broadcaster’s highly partisan coverage of the ruling political party to the exclusion of opposition political parties and other dissenting voices and views.

This state of affairs informed the AUEOM’s recommendation that: The ZEC scrupulously enforces the relevant regulations of the Electoral Act to afford alternative voices and all political parties equitable access at all times during elections.

The AEUOM emphasised the public broadcaster’s central role in elections, as a platform for airing political messages from all political contestants. Five years on, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has not made any tangible efforts to ensure that political parties will be treated equally and equitably during this year’s election period.

The AUEOM’s 2013 observation that the national broadcaster tended to provide live and in-depth coverage largely to a single political party remains true to this day. The bias exhibited by the public broadcaster and state-owned media establishments, has contributed to a highly polarised media environment in the country. The AUEOM observed that both private-owned and state-owned media establishments were evidently politically inclined in their reportage.

MISA-Zimbabwe respectfully submits and urges for the urgent transformation of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC), into a truly independent and representative public broadcaster.

Liberalisation of Radio and Television Ownership
In its report on the 2013 elections, the AUEOM recommended that:

The provisions of the BSA be fully implemented to enable the liberalisation of radio and television ownership, thereby providing a broader platform for all stakeholders to voice their opinions, consistent with the stipulations of the new Constitution. The involvement of civil society and other actors in the review of the legislation such as the AIPPA and POSA and the manner in which they are applied will also enhance the country’s progress toward democratic consolidation.

However, the government is still to license community radio stations. While licenses have been granted to national and regional commercial radio stations, however, the majority of these licenses were given to radio stations owned by state owned enterprises and those perceived as being politically connected.

Safety and Security of Journalists
While 2017 saw a marked decline in the number of cases involving media violations; the severity of the nature of the violations was of great concern. MISA-Zimbabwe recorded the unlawful arrest or detention of seven (7) journalists in 2017. In the same year, MISA Zimbabwe recorded the assault of eight (8) journalists during the course of their duties.

The majority of the cases of assault of journalists on duty were perpetrated by the police serve for three which involved army personnel and ruling Zanu PF youths.

Past experience shows that during an election year, media violations tend to rise and the likelihood of this happening ahead of the 2018 elections cannot be discounted. For instance, on 1 March 2018, some journalists were harassed at an MDC-T opposition party press conference.

MISA-Zimbabwe firmly believes that more needs to be done by the State and political parties to promote the protection of journalists as they cover election related events.

Dual regulation and or accreditation of journalists
The requirement that a journalist who is already accredited with the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC), needs further accreditation by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), for election-related coverage, is unnecessarily cumbersome, bureaucratic and an unnecessary drain on the fiscus.

Journalists duly accredited by the ZMC, should thus be allowed to cover election-related processes and events in the spirit and letter of the right to media freedom. Accreditation of journalists by the ZMC should suffice for election purposes.

The media cannot cover elections properly when it cannot access relevant events and places by virtue of not being accredited by ZEC. The purpose of laws or regulations on media and elections – and the function of a regulatory body – is to create an environment in which the media conducts their business freely.

Elections are not state secrets to be investigated by dedicated investigative journalists. Instead they should be conducted openly and freely. The fundamental guiding principle here being that, journalists as duly and constitutionally accredited by the ZMC, should be given unfettered access to all election related events.

Freedom of information entails, among other principles, that the media is entitled to investigate and report critically on the efficiency and probity of election administration. This is aptly provided for under Sections 61 and 62 of the Constitution, which guarantees media freedom and access to information, respectively.

It is MISA-Zimbabwe’s hope that the above submissions will assist the AU and SADC missions to hold the Zimbabwean government to account based on its repeated promises to implement the long overdue media reforms.

This is of paramount importance and urgency ahead of the 2018 elections, which the government has repeatedly promised will be free, fair and credible.

Yours Sincerely,
Golden Maunganidze
MISA Zimbabwe

cc: His Excellency, Paul Kagame
The African Union

Cc: His Excellency, Moussa Faki
Commission of the African Union

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Denigrating, and imposing an opinion on the diaspora is against democratic principles - we are demonstrating because we know and understand what it is to be free - because we have lived and experienced freedom in U.K. - it is that freedom that we wish for Zimbabwe - we know when one tyrant has replaced another - That Zimbabwe is in another form of Zanu-Pf dominance, which is more serious than the previous one, and that this refreshed Zanu-Pf dominance is taking hold in our country - That the face has changed, but the Zanu-Pf dictatorial core remains intact - These tools of dictatorship masquerading as saviours haven't changed at all - We are looking after our poverty stricken relatives in Zimbabwe who pay various forms of taxes for these people to live in luxury - therefore, this is only the beginning, we are actually gearing up for many rounds of protests until the junta has been removed - the ongoing cash crisis, health crisis, unemployment, and the failure to indicate the required economic development rate within the first 100 days signals the continuation of chaos and economic collapse - we hope to open the eyes of those currently blind to the fact that we have a deputy of terror pretending to be a new man who is open for business - we refuse to accept this murderous junta brought in by a Coup d’etat.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

FREEDOM is all We Need

Staring into the computer screen, hands struggling to find the right way to start. It is then that I'm reminded by the thought of my city; Bulawayo and my rural place, Plumtree.

My helpless grandmother, my friends, my relatives scattered around the world. It then dawns on me that I could and can make a difference. It only takes a voice, or a note to get the message out there.
Zimbabwe my home. Let my tears my fears, my fears speak to the world. Can all this be a voice that leads to reason, clarity and freedom?

ZHRO (Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation), thank you for this opportunity as it has given me a platform to express my inner most feelings.

My name is Tlalane Maloisane /Charity Ndebele.

...So, if not now then when? It's time to grab the problem by the 'horns' (our freedom). When the former president Robert Mugabe was ousted by the military through a coup. He was then replaced by the 'crocodile' (Emmerson Mnangagwa) who has been the right hand man of Mugabe. It is evident that the so-called president (Emerson Mnangagwa) and his now Vice president Chiwenga, had agendas that only sought to favour their scandalous ways and journey on with old ZANU PF ways.

This demonic ZANU PF stole our freedom, our human rights and our rights to freely chose our leaders, or later be leaders ourselves as they are so greedy. It pains me enormously to see families separated and scattered all around the world in search for freedom, human rights and peace to be accepted as normal human beings. My heart is heavy as I can testify that myseIf has gone through the process of family separation, having to face the toughest decision in my life to turn my back on my disabled child in order to find a safe haven for me and my child. The whole process of seeing my fellow country men and women lose their identity is paining. Therefore I hope and pray that this blog sheds some light on a lot of people's thoughts.
Myself, Mary and Pastor Evan Mawarire

Having had the chance to meet Pastor Evan Mawarire at The Henry Jackson Society seminar at the House Of Commons through ZHRO, I had a chance to represent my people of Matebeland to hear his thoughts about the 1983 Genocide and the constant side-lining of the people of Matebeland. Pastor Mawarire agreed to say that for sure the Matebeland had become "The Lost City" or just forgotten as nothing was happening that region and the bitter residents that feel oppressed. I then found more reason as an individual who has experienced oppression and violence in the region that I would be happy with the idea of deserting from Zimbabwe.

We the people of Mthwakazi are looking for freedom in a country that has forgotten us due to tribal background. It really makes sick in the stomach that Emmerson Mnangagwa feels too proud to make effort to at least apologize to the people of Matabelaland after all we have been through. l can safely say each and every family member in Matabelaland was affect by Gukurahundi and the a lot of people where left traumatized after the incident and some mentally disturbed and yet he is too proud to apologise. It is clear that this devil has no remorse or compassion and yet wants to lead the country, he must be dead out of his mind.

The fact is we will not or cannot expect ZANU PF or this 'government' under Emmerson Munangagwa, or that has been through the mentorship of Robert Mnangawa for it is like feeding the same beast. All these people are perpetrators that should be imprisoned as thieves and killers. ZANU PF are already bribing chiefs by buying them cars, yet the medical or health system is in a shambles, with most hospitals have no functioning ambulances.

People are dying form the most curable diseases and some hospitals not having the most general drug (paracetamol). My daughter was in a private hospital in 2008 Mater Dei and yet I had to ship simple drugs from South Africa to get her help and still had to pay a full fee for her. It makes me so angry to think these very same people who put my child through this pain now want to continue ruling. I say no to corruption and yes to change. I say no to tribal oppression and yes to an inclusive government and yes to the practise of proper Human Rights. They need to account for the loss of the innocent lives in years 2000 to 2008 during both elections up untill today. The theft and use of public funds. The $I5bn that went mysteriously missing. The killing and torturing of activist exercising their democratic rights

Sunday, 25 February 2018


Former President, Robert Mugabe has mocked soldiers describing them as uneducated people who are jealous of intelligence operatives who were paid more than them.

He told guests at his private party yesterday the military had sided with Emmerson Mnangagwa in a purely Zanu PF issue.

“They said to me people have marched, they want you to go. They said they have filled the stadium demanding that I should go. I said, which people, MDC people.

What about those in Kadoma, what about those in Mutare, did you go and ask them. People were beaten, the soldiers were beating up our intelligence guys saying you are paid higher than us. You wear good suits, hence you are protecting Mugabe. Ahh they didn't know that you do not to be educated to be a soldier, nornally soldiers are recruited from Grade 7 or Form Two while the intelligence team is recruited from those who are educated.

It should follow that when one is educated with a degree or A Level you should be paid higher than those who are just recruited as long as they are trained," he was quoted by The Standard as saying.

He added :"They said Mugabe is a legend, what legend are you talking about when you are busy taking away the vehicles. They said they want to protect my legacy, which legacy are they talking about. What legacy when they have expelled me from the party. This girl here, my wife, is no longer a member of Zanu PF, so what legacy are you talking about.”

Saturday, 24 February 2018

By Kingstone Jambawo

London - 22 February 2018 - The founder of #ThisFlag Movement Pastor Evan Mawarire presented a passionate speech about his experiences, economic drive, and constitutional challenges at Westminster Parliament today.
The event which was organised by the Henry Jackson Society was attended by members of Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation (ZHRO), Zimbabwe Diaspora Community, and Lord Chidgey who was in the chair until the arrival of MP for Vauxhall, Kate Hoey.

In his speech Pastor Mawarire described the situation in Zimbabwe as dire saying that a 30 minute speech by President Mnangagwa cannot change the effects of 37 years.

He said that those who were instrumental in intimidating the opposition - denied citizens their choices in 2008 and 2013 are still in government.

He paid tribute to the late Morgan Tsvangirai for putting up a great fight for freedom and justice under the most difficult conditions.

He criticised the regime for failing to publicly apologise for the Gukurahundi atrocities saying that it is the responsibility of the government to provide closure for the victims.

He gave his own personal experience at the hands of the regime and warned that it can happen to anyone.

"We need to move away from a situation where Zimbabwe is owned by a few - $15 billion goes missing and no one can account for it - we were incarcerated for demanding our rights - gone are the days when people remained silent - young people have gripped the idea of freeing themselves - our freedom is more important to us than ever before" he said.

 When asked by the BBC reporter about Free and Fair Election - he was not at all confident that these would happen and cited 2000 and 2008 as examples of Military interference (2008 was a real Coup).

"When MDC won the elections in 2008, the missing factor was the ordinary citizens - we the people were the missing component - but since #ThisFlag Movement, people have made it their aim to sacrifice for freedom - Mugabe had said that there are special jails for people like us saying ‘leave our politics alone' - and people like Paul Chizuze and Itai Dzamara are still missing" he said.

"I felt bad for leaving the people when I went into exile and that is why I returned" he said.

Mawarire hopes for freedoms for the people - but cannot see the current incumbent Government members as varying that out. He pointed out that many who have been made ministers in the current Government -Junta - were directly responsible for 2008 Coup and the 1983 massacres.

He questions the 'Open for Business' mantra by Zanu PF when they clearly do not care about the general population. "As long as the laws have not been aligned, the economic growth being touted is baseless with no freedom" he said.

Mawarire also called on the British Government not to let the Zimbabwean people down by selfishly pursuing its economic interests but must push the Mnangagwa administration to provide a level field for sustainable elections and economic growth.
A Walk for Freedom Shirt was donated

He called on the British government not to ignore human rights abuses in Zimbabwe for its own economic gains.

In his address on the Diaspora vote, Mawarire emphasised that although it is one of the most important issues that the current government needs to address, he doubted that the diaspora vote was going to be granted in time for the 2018 elections.

The meeting was also attended by Dr Tshibangu Mukumbay from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) who was interested in looking for looted assets from his country by Zanu PF.